Hearing the words “you have breast cancer” changes the lives of thousands of women every year in Pakistan. Learn more about the personal experiences of a breast cancer survivor as she opens up about her journey and life after breast cancer.


Hameeda Nasir was 26 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is the sole earner of her family. “It was May 2017, when I got to know about my cancer. I was pretty devastated and scared and in shock. My family was planning my wedding in September of that year. I got really anxious and depressed after knowing I have breast cancer. I was not able to sleep at nights.” tells Hameeda.


Even with the diagnosis, Hameeda kept pushing herself. “I was on chemotherapy for a year and a half, in treatment, and was also working to run my house. I didn’t have time to rest. I had my double mastectomy in July 2017 and went back to work two weeks later. That was the only way I was going to be able to pay for the surgery and chemo while still being able to pay rent of our house and have a livelihood. The whole process was incredibly challenging, humbling, and scary at times.” says Hameeda.


After enduring hair loss and menopause as a result of treatment, her fiancé left her and refused to marry her.


Hameeda says, “Life after breast cancer was not easy for me. I puked, I cramped. I was tired. I was irritable. I was desolate. I was terrified. I was lonely.”


“You are never the same after going through cancer treatment, from every aspect of life. You are forever changed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It has been 5 years since my diagnosis of Stage 3 breast cancer and I am still trying to find my new normal.”

says Hameeda Nasir