Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
If you are obese then chances of having breast cancer are high, on the contrary, if you are physically fit and have healthy BMI, then chances are low that you could be affected by the breast cancer. which may involve losing weight if overweight. Exercising regularly: using the stairs instead of the elevator and joining an exercise class with a friend are some exercise tips. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day. *(Do not overdo it; keep hydrated; listen to your body; see your family physician to discuss your exercise plans).
Stop Smoking
Choose healthy foods, which include foods low in saturated fats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat meats including fish and chicken. *(Be careful not to over-consume; watch portion sizes and snacking options).
Avoid Alcohol
Interestingly, studies have found that breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk of developing breast cancer. The protective mechanism occurs most significantly in the breasts of women who breastfeed for one year. Thus, there is less benefit for women who choose to breastfeed for less than one year. There are a variety of thoughts regarding the rationale for this protective effect. For instance, while the breasts are making milk, a “differentiation” of the breast cells occurs that may provide some resistance against cancer cells. Also, while women are breastfeeding, their menstrual cycles often stop, resulting in an overall decrease in estrogen within the body. Notwithstanding the numerous benefits of breastfeeding, many women are unable to breastfeed due to a variety of reasons.
Breast Health – Women’s Cautious Approach
All women can, however, incorporate these final approaches into their lifestyle toward breast health. Having regular clinical exams performed by a healthcare practitioner/family physician and being familiar with how your breasts look and feel are two critical messages. The latter signal allows women to recognize any changes that may occur. Changes may include:
- A new lump or thickening of the breast tissue or armpit area
- Swelling, redness or darkening of the breast
- Further nipple discharge that does not go away
- Changes in your breast size
- A pulling in or puckering of the skin or nipple
- A new pain in one spot that does not go away
It may be easier to recognize changes in your breasts if you get dressed in front of a mirror or, perform a self-exam while lying down in bed or while standing in the shower. When performing a self-exam, be sure to include the “tail” of the breast and the armpit area. The breast tail is the upper portion of the breast extending toward the armpit area. If you notice any of the above changes in your breasts, an appointment with your healthcare practitioner/family physician is an excellent place to start. An important fact to keep in mind is that most breast lumps, approximately 80%, are not cancerous.