''Save 40,000 Precious Lives''

109 women die every 24 hours due to breast cancer in Pakistan. Over 40,000 deaths a year with an addition of 90,000 new breast cancer cases annually is a matter of serious concern.

What We Do


Medical Co-Pay Assistance Programme is to reduce the total out-of-pocket expense…


We advise, guide and  counsel women who have symptoms through listening problems 


The biggest reason of the highest prevalence of breast cancer in Pakistan…


Good health is not just the absence of disease or illness, it is a state of complete physical

Pink Ribbon Hospital

Pakistan’s 1st dedicated Breast Cancer Hospital where deserving patients get free of cost diagnosis and treatment under one roof.

 Review At A Glance

Empowered women with life-saving techniques of Early Detection
Trained Young Girls on Breast Self-Examination
Provided free of cost Diagnostic Screenings to deserving women
Provided free Clinical Examinations to symptomatic patients

Founder & CEO’S Message

Over 10 million women are at risk of Breast Cancer while more than 40,000 women die from this disease every year in Pakistan. To provide relief to poor families, Pink Ribbon has set up Pakistan's 1st Dedicated Breast Cancer Hospital (Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Trust Hospital) where deserving patients will be provided free of cost treatment under one roof. We depend on public support through Zakat, Sadaqat, and donations so join us in our mission to save precious lives.
CEO Pink Ribbon Pakistan
Omer Aftab
Founder & Honorary CEO

Stories Of Impact

Message by Gulam Shabir

(Husband of Breast Cancer Patient Maimoona)

“Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Hospital has been a blessing for us during my wife’s breast cancer journey. They quickly helped with expensive injections and financial support, turning a difficult time into hope. Grateful for their kindness and the difference they make for people like us” 

Message by Rubina

(Breast Cancer Patient)

“Pink Ribbon Hospital truly became our lifeline when my breast cancer treatment took an unexpected turn. With a paralyzed husband and a son struggling with unemployment due to my illness, the cost of treatment became overwhelming. After initially getting affordable injections at EME, the discovery of our own home led to a sudden stop. Desperate, I reached out to Pink Ribbon, and they generously provided the treatment for free. Grateful for their compassion and support during a challenging time when no one else could step in.”