


Sealed tenders are invited from Medical Suppliers/Manufacturers for the following items for Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Hospital Lahore. The tender documents will be available immediately after the date of publication of this advertisement in the press and will be received and opened as per the schedule given below.

S. No. Name of Tender Last Date for Collecting Tender (during office hours) Date & Time of Submission of Tender (during office hours) Date & Time of Opening Tender
1 02 Numbers of Modular Operation Theaters with equipment as per specification along with pre-op and post-op 05-08-2024 20-08-2024 27-08-2024

Interested eligible bidders may obtain the bidding documents at the address mentioned below upon submission of a written application and a copy of CNIC.

  1. There is no condition of pre-qualification registration panel/approved brands.
  2. Single Stage – Two Envelopes bidding procedure shall be applied. The envelopes shall be marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” and “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” in bold and legible letters. Financial proposals of bids found technically non-responsive shall be returned unopened to the respective bidders.
  3. The bidders are required to submit the company profile, including Technical, Engineering Managerial capabilities, after-sales services, and past experience/performance along with their technical bids.
  4. All tenders shall be placed in the tender box with the Receptionist and will be opened in the committee room of Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Hospital Lahore according to the schedule given above.
  5. There is No Earnest Money required for the quoted items.
  6. The Procuring Agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal.
  7. Procurements shall be governed by the policy of the Hospital.
  8. The firm should be registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax.